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alchemy an ancient exploration and practice of chemistry which flourished particularly during medieval times. Practitioners used chemical processes in the hope of, for example, producing gold from base metals, finding the key to eternal life, and uncovering a single cure for all disease. [1/2 definitions]
as1 for example; for instance. [1/11 definitions]
chemistry the science that studies the structures, functions, transformations, and interactions of basic elements, as, for example, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and sodium, as well as complex substances that combine basic elements. [1/4 definitions]
compose a number in mathematics education, to add together different place values to make a complete number. For example, to compose the number 231, you would add the three place values that make up this number, a 200, a 30, and a 1.
decompose a number in mathematics education, to separate a number into its component place values. For example, to decompose the number 231 you would write "200+30+1".
dimorphism the existence of two forms of a species that differ in morphology as, for example, in sexual dimorphism of birds. [1/3 definitions]
e.g. abbreviation of "exempli gratia" (Latin); for example.
electrocautery the sealing of tissue by an instrument that uses an electric current to produce heat; used, for example, to stop bleeding.
for instance as an example; for example.
message to send a message to (someone), esp. in electronic form, for example, as a text via a cell phone. [1/7 definitions]
racketeering the crime or practice of conducting a business that engages in illegal activity, as, for example, extortion, counterfeiting, and fraud.
sexual dimorphism within one species, the existence of differing forms for males versus females, as, for example, in birds.
such as for example. [1/2 definitions]
wave the form that energy takes when traveling, characterized by periodic oscillation. Energy in the form of heat, light, or sound, for example, travels in the form of waves. Characteristics of such waves include period, frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. [1/14 definitions]