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orcinol a white crystalline compound that turns red on exposure to air, used as a reagent for certain carbohydrates.
oxalic acid a poisonous, colorless acid used as a cleansing agent, laundry bleach, and laboratory reagent.
potassium nitrate a colorless crystalline compound used in explosives, preservatives, and fertilizers and as a chemical reagent.
selenious acid a poisonous water-soluble powder used as a reagent.
sulfurous acid an acid with a suffocating aroma of sulfur, occurring in solution with water or in salt form and used as a bleach, disinfectant, and reagent.
titrate to determine the amount of a substance in (a solution) by adding a standard liquid reagent of known concentration and measuring the volume required to produce a specified reaction such as a change in color or form.
toluidine any of three isomeric compounds used in the making of dyes, as a test reagent, and in organic synthesis.