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Dictionary Suite
airport a large area of level land where airplanes can land and take off, usu. including a passenger terminal and cargo and repair facilities.
aldehyde in chemistry, any of a group of organic compounds, such as formaldehyde, the molecule of which contains a terminal carbon atom bound separately to a hydrogen and an oxygen atom.
alveolar of or pertaining to small cavities such as the terminal air sacs of the lungs or the cells of a honeycomb. [1/4 definitions]
alveolus a small cavity or pit, such as one of the terminal air sacs of the lungs or one cell of a honeycomb. [1/2 definitions]
anode the negative terminal of a battery. (Cf. cathode.)
cathode the positive terminal of a battery. (Cf. anode.)
comal in botany, of or pertaining to terminal tufts, such as the silky hairs at the ends of some seeds or the bracts at the top of a pineapple.
cutoff a prescribed terminal point or limit. [1/5 definitions]
electronic mail messages typed into a computer terminal and sent via telephone cable to another terminal.
email the practice or system by which messages may be typed into one computer terminal and sent by telephone, cable, or wireless to another computer terminal; electronic mail. [1/4 definitions]
ferry a terminal for a ferry service. [1/6 definitions]
fireplug a large terminal water pipe that protrudes from the ground, to which hoses can be connected for fighting fires; fire hydrant.
interterminal combined form of terminal.
living will a document directing that all medical life-support systems or treatment that prolong the signer's life be ended in the event of a terminal illness.
monitor a visual display screen for a computer terminal. [1/11 definitions]
multiterminal combined form of terminal.
nonterminal combined form of terminal.
online designating a computer terminal that is in operation. [1/3 definitions]
radius vector a vector with a fixed point of origin and movable terminal point, such as a straight line connecting two bodies in relative orbital motion. [1/2 definitions]
skycap a baggage porter at an airline terminal.
telecommuting the performing of office work at home by using a computer terminal and sending this work back to the employer by electronic means.