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catalysis the introduction or intervention of a substance that causes or speeds up a chemical reaction without being affected itself. [1/2 definitions]
domesticated of plants, adapted to the needs of human beings and unable to grow without the intervention of humans. [1/2 definitions]
free enterprise the notion that a capitalist economy does not require government support or intervention, but can regulate itself through the relationships of supply and demand in a freely competitive market.
gunboat diplomacy the use or threat of small-scale military intervention to further one nation's interests in another nation.
intercept an intervention in the movement or progress of something. [1/5 definitions]
mechanical acting or performing like a machine or without human intervention; automatic. [1/8 definitions]
Monroe Doctrine the U.S. doctrine proscribing European intervention in the affairs of Mexico and Central and South America, and prohibiting further colonization on the American continents.
nature the physical world and living things as they exist apart from the activity or intervention of human beings. [1/9 definitions]
providential of, relating to, or seeming to result from divine guidance or intervention; fortunate or lucky.