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catalepsy a condition, often associated with epilepsy and schizophrenia, in which the body becomes numb and the limbs rigid, and the victim loses consciousness or fails to respond to external stimuli.
catatonia a disorder, esp. of schizophrenia, characterized by rigidity of the muscles, mental stupor, and muteness; catalepsy.
dementia praecox see "schizophrenia."
hallucination a false or distorted but compelling sensory perception, as induced by drugs or by mental derangement such as schizophrenia. [1/2 definitions]
haloperidol an antipsychotic drug used to treat alcohol withdrawal and psychological disorders such as schizophrenia.
LSD a powerful hallucinogenic drug, sometimes used in medical studies, as of schizophrenia; lysergic acid dimethylamide; LSD-25.
mental illness any of the disorders or illnesses that primarily afflict the mind and emotions rather than the physical body, such as depression, schizophrenia, phobia, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
schizoid (informal) pertaining to or showing the characteristics of schizophrenia. [1/3 definitions]