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Dictionary Suite
arenaceous sandy or sandlike. [2 definitions]
barrier island a long narrow sandy island formed parallel to a shore protecting it from erosion.
beach the land at the edge of a body of water, usu. sandy and sometimes part of a swimming area; shore. [1/2 definitions]
desert1 a very dry, often sandy area with little or no plant growth. [1/5 definitions]
Kalahari Desert an arid and sandy region of southern Africa occupying a large area of Botswana as well as parts of Namibia and South Africa.
maravilla a leafy wildflower having fragrant, tubular, evening-blooming flowers ranging in color from white to deep pink and found in sandy and desert areas from southern California to Mexico.
pismo clam an edible, heavy-shelled marine clam found on sandy beaches along the coasts of southern California and Mexico.
sand dollar any of various flat, circular sea urchins that live on sandy ocean beds near the shore.
sanderling a small gray and white shore bird that lives on sandy beaches.
sandhog one who does excavation work in sandy, wet conditions, esp. a laborer working on the construction of an underwater tunnel.
sandiness the quality or condition of being sandy.
sand myrtle a small evergreen shrub, related to heather, that grows in sandy areas of the southeastern United States and bears white flowers.
sand verbena any of various trailing plants that bear showy flowers and grow in sandy areas of the western United States.
sandwort any of various low-growing white-flowered plants found in sandy areas.