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Dictionary Suite
actuary a person who calculates insurance rates, risks, and dividends on the basis of statistical probabilities.
adjust in insurance, to settle (a claim). [1/5 definitions]
annuity a regular annual income paid at fixed intervals and produced by money invested or by an insurance contract. [1/2 definitions]
arson the illegal act of burning buildings, another's or one's own, for malicious purposes or to claim insurance money.
beneficiary one who receives or is designated to receive benefits, as of a will or insurance policy. [1/2 definitions]
binder a temporary, legally valid agreement to purchase insurance, property, or the like, usu. involving partial payment. [1/4 definitions]
claim title or right to something, such as payment required by the terms of an insurance policy or the like. [1/8 definitions]
coinsurance insurance that is held jointly with another or others. [2 definitions]
coverage the amount or type of protection available against loss or liability as provided by insurance or reserve funds, or the protection itself. [1/3 definitions]
deductible to be deducted from any amount payable by insurance. [3/5 definitions]
dividend a pro-rata share of a company's distributed earnings paid to stockholders or insurance policyholders. [1/4 definitions]
double indemnity a provision in a life or accident insurance policy that twice the face value of the contract will be paid in the event of accidental death.
endorsement an alteration to the original terms of an insurance policy or other contract. [1/3 definitions]
endowment policy a type of insurance policy in which the insured receives a certain amount of money upon the policy's expiration, or the beneficiaries receive the money if the insured dies before the specified time.
FDIC abbreviation of "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation," a U.S. governmental agency that insures deposits in member commercial banks up to a certain amount to protect the public against a bank's failure, and can act to prevent a bank's failure.
FICA acronym of "Federal Insurance Contributions Act," a federal tax law requiring employers to withhold a certain amount from employees' paychecks or wages for deposit in governmental accounts that fund Social Security.
fire insurance insurance against loss or damage of property caused by a fire.
floater an insurance policy for property in transit or frequently moved. [1/4 definitions]
fringe benefit a benefit, such as health insurance or a pension, given to an employee in addition to wages or salary.
hospitalization insurance insurance held by an individual or family which pays for expenses incurred due to hospital stays and treatment.
indemnity insurance against damage, loss, or liability. [1/3 definitions]