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diacritic a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced; diacritical mark.
diacritical of a printing or writing mark, serving to distinguish the sound of a letter or group of letters from its other possible sounds, as an umlaut, circumflex, cedilla, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
diacritical mark a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced.
tittle a small mark or diacritic used in writing or printing, such as an umlaut or a cedilla. [1/2 definitions]
umlaut a diacritical mark, such as on this letter "o" (ö), placed over a vowel to indicate umlaut, esp. in German. [2/3 definitions]