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bronchiectasis a diseased condition of the airways associated with chronic dilation of the bronchi or bronchial tubes, with symptoms such as the coughing up of mucus or blood, chest pain, and shortness of breath. [1/2 definitions]
bypass in medicine, the operation by which an alternative route of flow is created in order to avoid a blocked or diseased organ or part of such an organ. [1/5 definitions]
canker a diseased area on a woody plant. [1/7 definitions]
cryosurgery a procedure in which diseased tissues are selectively destroyed by freezing them.
erasion a medical procedure in which diseased tissue, esp. bone, is scraped away. [1/2 definitions]
explorer an implement or instrument used to explore a wound, diseased tooth, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
Lazarus according to the New Testament, the diseased beggar whose reward is heaven in the parable of the rich man and the beggar. [1/2 definitions]
sclerosis a diseased condition marked by a hardening or thickening of soft tissue, as of the walls of an artery.
scorbutic of, pertaining to, having the characteristics of, or diseased with scurvy.
sequela something that follows; result or consequence, esp. an abnormal or diseased condition that follows and usu. results from a previous illness.
smut of plants, to become diseased with smut. [1/6 definitions]
tree surgery the treatment of diseased and damaged trees, as by removing limbs, filling cavities, and dressing wounds in the bark.
trench foot a diseased condition of the feet that is caused by inactivity and exposure to cold dampness for long periods.
tubercle a small abnormal or diseased swelling or lesion on the skin or in an organ, esp. one caused by tuberculosis. [1/2 definitions]
tumor an abnormal mass of diseased tissue that arises from normal tissue in the body and serves no physiological purpose. [1/2 definitions]
unwholesome looking unhealthy or diseased. [1/3 definitions]