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amputee a person who has lost all or part of a limb or digit as a result of accident or surgery.
area code in the United States and Canada, any of the three-digit codes that identify the regional telephone districts into which the countries are divided. [1/2 definitions]
bit3 a unit of information in a computer; binary digit.
dewclaw a small nonfunctioning claw, hoof, or digit in the upper foot of some mammals.
digital of, pertaining to, using, or resembling a digit, esp. a finger. [1/5 definitions]
one-digit number a whole number containing one digit, such as 2.
place in mathematics, the position of a digit in a number. [1/21 definitions]
place value the numerical value of a digit based on its position in a number.
pterosaur a flying reptile of the Mesozoic era characterized as having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by an exceptionally long fourth digit of each forelimb.
short division mathematical division of one number by another, esp. by a one-digit divisor, without writing out the remainders.