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apparel to adorn or decorate. [1/4 definitions]
appliqué to apply as or decorate with appliqué. [1/4 definitions]
bead to decorate with beads. [1/8 definitions]
bedeck to dress or decorate in a showy way; adorn extravagantly.
bedizen to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion.
bespangle to cover or decorate with, or as with, spangles.
braid to decorate or edge with ribbon or braid. [1/5 definitions]
braze1 to cover or decorate with brass. [1/2 definitions]
bugle3 a cylindrical glass or plastic bead used to decorate clothing.
cornice to decorate or furnish with a cornice. [1/4 definitions]
craft (pl.) activities that use the hands to make things that decorate or are useful around a home. [1/7 definitions]
crepe paper thin, crinkled paper textured like crepe, esp. used to decorate; crepe.
deck to clothe (a person) or decorate (a room, area, or the like) impressively or festively (sometimes fol. by "out"). [1/6 definitions]
decoration something serving to decorate or beautify; embellishment; ornament. [1/3 definitions]
decoupage to decorate (a surface) using decoupage. [1/3 definitions]
do over (informal) to renovate (a room, a house, furnishings, or the like), or to decorate again. [1/2 definitions]
dress to decorate. [1/11 definitions]
Easter lily any of various white-flowered lilies that are artificially brought into bloom for Easter Sunday, used esp. to decorate the altars of Christian churches on Easter.
edging something that constitutes, or is placed along, an edge or border to protect, decorate, or define it.
embellish to improve by, or as though by, decorations; decorate. [1/2 definitions]
emblazon to ornament or decorate in brilliant colors. [1/5 definitions]