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circular of logic or reasoning, marked by the use of evidence or arguments that merely restate one's premise or hypothesis in different terms. [1/5 definitions]
hypothesis a proposition assumed to be true for the purposes of a particular argument; premise. [1/3 definitions]
hypothetical based on a premise rather than having substance in reality; supposed. [1/4 definitions]
inconsequent not following logically, as from a premise. [1/4 definitions]
non sequitur something such as a remark or a conclusion that does not logically follow from the premise, evidence, or preceding statement.
postulate to assume as a basic premise; treat as a given. [1/7 definitions]
premise to state or assume as a premise, as in an argument or legal proceeding. [2/5 definitions]
reasoning the process of using reason to draw conclusions or make decisions based on a premise or known facts. [1/2 definitions]
search warrant a legal document authorizing a police officer to search a specified person, premise, or dwelling.
syllogism in logic, a type of deductive reasoning based on a major and a minor premise, whose conclusion must be true if the two premises are true. [1/2 definitions]