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allege to state with certainty; declare. [1/3 definitions]
ascertain to come to know (some information) with complete certainty, especially through a process of investigation; determine.
beyond the shadow of a doubt with absolute certainty; indeed.
certify to affirm the accuracy or certainty of, esp. in a formal manner; confirm. [1/5 definitions]
certitude an established certainty. [1/2 definitions]
ensure to cause to be a certainty. [1/2 definitions]
go without saying to be so clearly true or evident that there is no need to mention (something); used to emphasize one's certainty about or the obviousness of something.
guarantee to make (something) a certainty; ensure. [1/11 definitions]
incertitude lack of confidence or certainty; doubt.
modal auxiliary an auxiliary verb, such as "can," "may," "must," or "should," that is used to modify the meaning of a main verb by including such notions as necessity, possibility, certainty, capability, advisability, potential, and expectation.
strongly with great certainty or passion.
supposed assumed to be true, without factual certainty. [1/5 definitions]
surety something that is certain or sure; certainty. [1/3 definitions]
uncertain not known with certainty; indefinite or vague. [2/3 definitions]
uneasy characterized by mental discomfort, awkwardness, or lack of certainty; troubled or uncertain. [1/3 definitions]
verily confidently; with certainty. [1/2 definitions]