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Dictionary Suite
annuity a regular annual income paid at fixed intervals and produced by money invested or by an insurance contract. [2 definitions]
candytuft any of several annual plants that bear tufted flowers of white, red, or purple.
Chautauqua an annual summer program, in this village, of educational and recreational concerts, lectures, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
cheat an annual brome grass, originally native to Europe but now a weed in wheat-growing regions worldwide; chess. [1/11 definitions]
corn cockle an annual flowering plant that bears pinkish flowers and poisonous seeds and is considered a weed.
cowpea an annual vine plant that bears long seed pods, grown in the southern United States as feed for domestic animals and as a fertilizer. [1/2 definitions]
etesian of or designating the annual northerly summer winds of the Mediterranean.
Iditarod an annual dogsled race in the U.S. state of Alaska run along a 1,160-mile route between the cities of Anchorage and Nome.
impatiens a common flowering annual plant, related to the balsam and bearing small flat flowers in white or various shades of pink and red.
Indian tobacco a poisonous North American annual, related to the bellflower, that bears light blue flowers and puffed seed pods.
interannual combined form of annual.
jimson weed a poisonous annual of the nightshade family with foul-smelling leaves, prickly fruit, and trumpet-shaped purplish or white flowers.
Job's-tears (used with a sing. verb) an annual tropical grass that bears hard, beadlike seeds containing edible grains.
Kentucky Derby the first of three annual U.S. horse races known as the Triple Crown.
lamb's-quarters (used with a sing. or pl. verb) an annual weed of the goosefoot family having mealy leaves and bearing clusters of small green flowers; pigweed.
lentil an annual legume, related to the pea, that bears such seeds. [1/2 definitions]
lettuce any of several varieties of a common, edible annual plant that has large, crisp leaves. [1/2 definitions]
lobelia any of various annual or perennial bellflowers bearing clusters of variously colored and irregularly shaped flowers.
opium poppy a Eurasian annual poppy having grayish-green leaves and bearing large white, red, pink, or purple flowers, and oily seeds, the unripe pods of which may be harvested for their opium-containing sap.
Osiris the ancient Egyptian god of the lower world and judge of the dead whose annual resurrection was believed to personify nature's yearly renewal.
pennant the annual championship, or the flag symbolizing it, in a professional baseball league. [1/3 definitions]