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allosaurus any of various large meat-eating dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
aspic1 a gelatin, usu. of meat or fish stock, used as a garnish for fish or meat or to make a mold of various foods.
au jus of meat, served in its own juices.
baby beef a beef animal of twelve to twenty months, fattened for use as meat.
banian a Hindu tradesman of a caste that does not eat meat. [1/2 definitions]
banyan a Hindu tradesman of a caste that does not eat meat. [1/2 definitions]
barbecue a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire. [1/4 definitions]
baste2 to moisten (esp. meat) with a liquid during cooking.
BBQ abbreviation of "barbeque," a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire.
béarnaise sauce a sauce made of butter, egg yolks, shallots, vinegar, and herbs, served over meat or fish.
beef the flesh of a cow or steer, or such animals when raised for meat. [1/4 definitions]
beef cattle cattle bred and raised for meat.
bisque1 a thick cream soup made with shellfish, meat, or strained vegetables. [1/2 definitions]
bone a piece of animal bone, usu. with edible meat clinging to it. [1/5 definitions]
boneless of meat or fish, with bones removed.
bordelaise sauce (sometimes cap.) a dark sauce for meat, made of stock, flour, wine, onions, and seasoning.
brazier2 a similar object with a grill on the top, used for cooking meat. [1/2 definitions]
brisket in livestock, the part of the chest adjacent to the ribs, or the meat derived from it.
broach a spit for roasting meat. [1/7 definitions]
broth water in which meat, fish, grain, or vegetables have been boiled, often used as a base for soup.
burrito in Mexican cooking, a flour tortilla stuffed with meat, cheese, beans, or the like.