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caesura a break or hesitation in a line of verse, usu. necessitated by the sense of the words.
daunting causing or capable of causing hesitation or lessening of determination.
falter hesitation or unsteadiness of action or speech. [1/4 definitions]
force to cause to do something despite resistance or hesitation. [1/14 definitions]
formidable causing fear or hesitation; fearsome or intimidating. [1/3 definitions]
forthwith without delay or hesitation; immediately.
go ahead to proceed with one's plan or intention; go forward without further waiting or hesitation.
help oneself to take for oneself that which is offered or seems freely available, without little or no hesitation or request for permission.
hook, line, and sinker (informal) without any question or hesitation; completely.
pause a momentary hesitation that emphasizes what one has just said, or that reflects consideration of what one has just heard. [1/4 definitions]
point-blank without tact or hesitation; directly. [1/4 definitions]
quandary a situation of uncertainty, puzzlement, or hesitation; dilemma.
scruple a moral or ethical consideration or doubt that gives rise to uneasiness, hesitation, or restraint; qualm. [1/4 definitions]
snap to take suddenly and without hesitation (usu. fol. by up). [1/21 definitions]
straightaway without delay or hesitation; immediate. [1/4 definitions]
uh used to show hesitation or uncertainty, often unintentionally, as in collecting one's thoughts.