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Dictionary Suite
Bibb lettuce a variety of lettuce with a small round head of loose, tender, dark green leaves.
BLT a toasted sandwich made with fried bacon, strips of lettuce, and sliced tomato.
falafel a sandwich made of falafel, diced tomato or cucumber, sometimes onions or lettuce, and a sauce, usu. stuffed into pita bread. [1/2 definitions]
green alga any of numerous algae with green coloring, such as sea lettuce.
head lettuce a variety of lettuce, such as iceberg, in which the leaves form a round compact ball.
iceberg lettuce a type of lettuce having a round, compact head of crisp light green leaves.
romaine a variety of lettuce with long, narrow, crisp leaves shaped into a cylindrical head.
salad any of various cold vegetable mixtures, usu. containing lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onions, and the like, and served with a dressing. [1/2 definitions]
tostada a crisp fried tortilla, esp. when topped by refried beans, cheese, lettuce, ground meat, and the like.