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Dictionary Suite
backstreet a minor road somewhat distant from major thoroughfares within a town or city. [1/2 definitions]
barbican a defensive tower at the entrance to a town or fortified castle.
barrio in a Spanish-speaking country, one of the districts of a town. [1/2 definitions]
bellman one who carries or rings a bell, such as a town crier. [1/2 definitions]
Bethlehem a hill town north of Jerusalem in Israeli-occupied Jordan, traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
block a section of a city or town bounded on four sides by intersecting streets, or the distance represented by one side of such a section. [1/19 definitions]
board of education an appointed or elected group that supervises one or several school systems at the town, city, county, or state level; school board.
borough an incorporated town in certain states in the United States. [1/2 definitions]
bourg a medieval town or village, esp. near a castle. [2 definitions]
-burg city or town; burg.
burg (informal) a town, village, or city.
burgh a town in Scotland that has been incorporated by governmental charter; borough.
burgher someone who lives in a town or city, esp. one who belongs to the middle class.
burgomaster the mayor or chief magistrate in a Dutch, Austrian, German, or Flemish town or city.
Cancún a popular Mexican resort town, part of which is island, located on the northeastern, Caribbean coast of the Yucatan peninsula.
citizen a resident of a town or city, esp. one entitled to civic privileges such as voting. [1/2 definitions]
city a large and significant town, usu. a locally governed commercial and population center. [1/2 definitions]
cognac any fine brandy, esp. that made in France near the town of Cognac.
come over to come from one place to another to see or do something with someone else (used only when people are in the same town, area, or space). [1/6 definitions]
common noun a noun, such as "boy," "poodle," or "town," that refers to a class, or to an unspecified member of a class, of persons, places, things, or the like, and that is often preceded by an article. (Cf. proper noun.)
community a well-defined area, such as a town or area of a town, where people live together under one government. [1/5 definitions]