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bey a title of respect formerly used for Turkish rulers. [1/3 definitions]
cedilla a diacritical mark (ç), placed under certain letters in French, Portuguese, Turkish, and Russian to indicate a particular pronunciation, as, in French, the sound of "s" for the letter "c".
Crete a Greek Mediterranean island, south of and equidistant from the Greek and Turkish mainlands.
Eastern Roman Empire the eastern division of the Roman Empire, comprising the Turkish peninsula and part of southeastern Europe, esp. from 395 to 476 A.D., after which it is called the Byzantine Empire. (Cf. Western Roman Empire.)
effendi a Turkish title of respect meaning "sir" or "mister".
halvah a sweet, candylike Turkish confection made of ground sesame seeds and honey.
Istanbul a Turkish city at the entrance to the Black Sea; formerly Byzantium and Constantinople.
janizary (often cap.) formerly, a member of a Turkish sultan's guard. [1/2 definitions]
khedive the title of the Turkish viceroys who ruled Egypt from 1867 to 1914.
Latakia a variety of aromatic Turkish smoking tobacco.
lingua franca a hybrid language made up of elements of Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, Arabic, and Turkish, spoken in certain Mediterranean port areas. [1/2 definitions]
Muhammad Ali, pasha of Egypt an Albanian soldier of the Turkish army who established Egypt as a modern state (b.1769?--d.1849).
Ottoman Empire an empire of the Turks that existed from about 1300 to 1918 and that at times included much of the land bordering on the Mediterranean; Turkish Empire.
pasha formerly, a title given to a high-ranking Turkish official.
seraglio a Turkish palace. [1/2 definitions]
Tartar a member of any of the various peoples, esp. Mongolian and Turkish, who conquered much of Asia and eastern Europe during the Middle Ages, or a descendant thereof. [1/4 definitions]
thoroughbred (cap.) one of a breed of horses created by crossing Arabian or Turkish stallions and English mares. [1/6 definitions]
Turkic a subgroup of the Altaic languages that includes various languages of Asia Minor and southeastern Europe, such as Turkish. [1/2 definitions]
Turkish delight a candy consisting of jellylike cubes of fruit juice dusted with powdered sugar; Turkish paste.
vizier a high state official in a Muslim government, esp. in the old Turkish Empire.
yataghan a Turkish sword with a double-curved blade and a hilt with a prominent pommel and no guard.