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Dictionary Suite
about on each side of; around. [2/12 definitions]
airflow a flow of air, esp. around a moving vehicle, missile, or the like.
all-round all-around.
ambulatory in architecture, an aisle around the end of a church's choir section. [1/5 definitions]
ament1 a dense, drooping cluster of scalelike flowers growing around a spike, found on trees such as poplars, birches, and willows; catkin.
amice an oblong, white linen garment worn by clergymen around the neck and shoulders.
amphi- around. [1/2 definitions]
anklet a decorative band or chain worn around the ankle. [1/2 definitions]
annular eclipse an eclipse of the sun in which a ring-shaped portion of the sun remains visible around the moon.
annular ligament a ligament in the form of a circle, esp. around the ankle or wrist joint.
annulet an encircling molding, as around the shaft of a column where it joins the capital.
Antarctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator and north of the South Pole.
anticyclone a large system of winds that rotates around a center of high barometric pressure, moving clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern, and usu. producing cool, dry weather. (Cf. cyclone.)
Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator and south of the North Pole.
areola in anatomy, a small ring of color, as around a human nipple. [1/2 definitions]
armband a cloth band worn around the upper arm as a badge of rank, membership, or the like, or as a symbol, as of mourning.
aster any of a large family of plants whose white, pink, blue, or purple flowers consist of numerous narrow petals around a yellow center.
asteroid any of thousands of celestial bodies with diameters between one and five hundred miles that revolve around the sun in orbits that lie mostly between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars; planetoid.
Attica the region around Athens, Greece, that was ruled by the city in classical times.
aureole an encircling region of light, esp. in artistic representations of a god or holy figure, or around an astronomical object such as the moon; halo; corona.
Aurora (l.c.) bands or streamers of light that appear in the sky at night in areas around the magnetic poles, caused by solar particles striking atoms in the outer part of the earth's atmosphere. (See aurora australis, aurora borealis.) [1/3 definitions]