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basis point a unit equal to one hundredth of one percent, used in economics and finance to measure exchange rates, interest rates, and the like.
cent a monetary unit of numerous countries, including the United States and Canada; a hundredth part of certain currencies. [1/2 definitions]
centenary a one hundredth anniversary; centennial. [1/3 definitions]
centennial of or pertaining to a one hundredth anniversary. [2/4 definitions]
centesimo a former monetary unit of Italy, equalling one hundredth of a lira. [1/2 definitions]
centi- one hundredth. [1/2 definitions]
centigram a unit of weight equal to one hundredth of a gram or 0.154 grain.
centiliter a unit of capacity equal to one hundredth of a liter or 0.338 fluid ounce.
centime a former monetary unit of France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, equalling one hundredth of a franc. [1/2 definitions]
centimeter a unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter or 0.3937 inch. (abbr.: cm)
cg abbreviation of "centigram," or "centigrams," a unit of weight equal to one hundredth of a gram or 0.154 grain.
cm abbreviation of "centimeter," or "centimeters," a unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter or 0.3937 inch.
count by hundreds to name every hundredth number when counting.
lepton1 a former monetary unit of Greece equalling one hundredth of a drachma.
link in surveying and engineering, a unit of distance equal to one hundredth of a chain. [1/7 definitions]
penny the smaller monetary unit (pl. pence) or coin (pl. pennies) of the United Kingdom and, formerly, of Ireland, equal to one hundredth of a pound. [1/4 definitions]
tercentenary of or relating to a period of three hundred years or to a three hundredth anniversary. [2 definitions]
tricentennial a three-hundredth anniversary or the celebration accompanying it. [1/3 definitions]