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asterism in printing, three asterisks arranged in a triangle, used to call attention to a passage of text. [1/2 definitions]
bibliophile a lover or collector of books, esp. for the fine or rare physical qualities of their paper, printing, binding, or the like.
Braille (often l.c.) a writing and printing system for blind persons, in which raised dots are grouped into different patterns to represent characters, which are read by touch. [1/2 definitions]
chase2 a frame into which type is set for printing. [1/2 definitions]
composition in printing, the setting of type. [1/7 definitions]
compositor one who sets up type for printing; typesetter.
copperplate an engraved or etched flat plate of copper used in printing. [1/3 definitions]
corrigendum (pl.) a list in a book or other publication of errors discovered after printing, with their corrections. [1/2 definitions]
cylinder in some printing presses, a cylinder-shaped rotating surface bearing the impression to be printed or the paper to be printed on. [1/5 definitions]
dagger in printing, a mark in the form of a cross, used esp. as a reference mark; obelisk. [1/3 definitions]
desktop of or relating to the computer-generated design, writing, editing, and preparation of written material for printing. [1/4 definitions]
device a design used as an emblem, as in heraldry, printing, trademarks, and or the like. [1/3 definitions]
diacritical of a printing or writing mark, serving to distinguish the sound of a letter or group of letters from its other possible sounds, as an umlaut, circumflex, cedilla, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
diphthong in printing, a ligature. [1/2 definitions]
electrotype a copy or facsimile made by electroplating a mold, in wax, lead, or plastic, of an original plate, and used esp. in printing. [1/3 definitions]
engrave to cut (a design or lettering) into a hard, flat surface, as by a sharp implement or acid, often for the purpose of making a plate for printing. [1/4 definitions]
erratum an error in printing, often noted and corrected in an addendum that is printed afterwards and inserted in new printings of the book or article.
foolscap a sheet of paper about thirteen by seventeen inches, used for writing, printing, or drawing. [1/3 definitions]
footer in word processing or printing, information that is repeated at the bottom of a sequence of pages. (Cf. header.) [1/2 definitions]
galley a tray that holds type that has been set for printing, or a proof printed from such a tray of type. [1/3 definitions]
Gothic (l.c.) a type of printing or calligraphy characterized by its heavy, ornate style. [1/7 definitions]