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actinomycosis an infectious disease of animals and humans that is caused by parasites and produces abscesses, esp. in the jaws.
anthrax an infectious, often fatal disease, esp. of sheep and cattle, but communicable to humans. [1/2 definitions]
Asiatic cholera an acute, infectious, often fatal disease caused by bacteria and characterized by severe diarrhea, intestinal cramps, and dehydration; cholera.
avirulent not infectious or virulent, or no longer so.
bill of health a certificate given to a ship captain in one port, stating whether there is any infectious disease in the port or aboard the ship at the time of departure, to be shown on entering the next port.
blackhead a malignant, infectious, and often fatal disease of the liver and intestines of domestic and wild fowl. [1/3 definitions]
chancroid an infectious, nonsyphilitic bacterial ulcer, usu. on or near the genitals; soft chancre.
chigger a tiny parasitic mite larva that lives in the skin of vertebrates, causing severe itching and possible spreading of infectious disease. [1/2 definitions]
cholera an acute, often fatal, infectious disease that is marked by vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea.
community spread the spread of an infectious disease within a community, especially the spread within a community where there are infected individuals who cannot trace the source of their infection and have not traveled to areas where there are known cases of the disease.
dengue an infectious tropical fever causing a rash and severe pains in the joints.
distemper any of various infectious viral diseases affecting mammals, characterized by fever and by diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite in dogs and cats, and respiratory difficulties in horses. [1/2 definitions]
drug resistance the reduction in effectiveness of a drug in curing an infectious disease or cancer. Drug resistance typically develops when pathogenic cells or cancerous cells evolve the ability to tolerate a drug used to kill them.
dysentery an infectious disease of the lower bowel, causing pain, severe diarrhea, and passage of blood and mucus. [1/2 definitions]
encephalitis inflammation of the brain, caused by any of several infectious diseases.
erysipelas an infectious disease that causes inflammation and redness of the skin and mucous membranes.
filterable virus a virus capable of passing through bacteria-retaining filters and thus remaining infectious.
gamma globulin a protein in blood serum that contains antibodies used in the prevention of a number of infectious diseases, such as measles and hepatitis.
glandular fever see "infectious mononucleosis."
herpes any of a number of infectious diseases caused by herpesviruses, esp. herpes simplex and chicken pox and shingles. [1/2 definitions]
impetigo an infectious skin disease, esp. among children, marked by pustules that erupt and form thick crusts, esp. on the face.