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Dictionary Suite
Big Ben the bell in the clock tower of the Parliament building in London. [1/2 definitions]
bill of rights (cap.) such a statement enacted by the British Parliament in 1689. [1/3 definitions]
Dail Eireann the lower house of parliament in the Republic of Ireland.
House of Lords the upper, nonelective legislative house of the British parliament, made up of the nobility and high-ranking clergy.
Member of Parliament one who has been elected to the parliament of a nation.
MP abbreviation of "Member of Parliament." [1/2 definitions]
M.P. abbreviation of "Member of Parliament," one who has been elected to the parliament of a nation.
Palace of Westminster the official name of the building where the British parliament meets; Houses of Parliament.
parliamentary of, concerning, or having a parliament. [2/3 definitions]
Supreme Soviet the legislature or parliament of the former Soviet Union, which had two equal houses.
surgery (Chiefly British) a meeting held by a Minister of Parliament or local government official in which members of the public can raise issues, obtain advice, or get information. [1/6 definitions]