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antidote a substance that counteracts poison or disease. [1/2 definitions]
antitoxin an antibody formed in the body to counteract a specific biological poison. [2 definitions]
bane a deadly poison. [1/2 definitions]
bomb a portable container which ejects gas, foam, or poison by way of its own internal pressure. [1/8 definitions]
canister the part of a gas mask that holds a substance for neutralizing airborne poison. [1/2 definitions]
centipede any of various nocturnal arthropods, with a narrow, wormlike body consisting of many segments, each segment having a pair of legs and the front segment having poison fangs or claws.
curare a resinous extract of certain South American plants, used as an arrow poison or as a drug for relaxing muscles. [1/2 definitions]
cyclonite an insoluble, crystalline, nitrogen compound used as an explosive or as rat poison.
detoxify to eliminate poison or the effects of poison from. [1/2 definitions]
fang a long pointed tooth, such as the canine tooth of carnivorous animals or the hollow, grooved tooth by which a venomous snake injects its poison. [1/3 definitions]
gas to poison with gas. [1/14 definitions]
hemlock poison made from this plant. [1/3 definitions]
infectious hepatitis an abnormal condition of the liver accompanied by inflammation, jaundice, nausea, and vomiting, that may be caused by a viral infection or poison.
intoxicate to poison. [1/3 definitions]
mithridate a substance that reputedly acts as an antidote to poison.
poison to give a poisonous substance to; use poison to hurt or kill. [3/6 definitions]
poison dogwood poison sumac.
poisonous filled with or containing poison. [1/3 definitions]
ratsbane a poison for rats, esp. arsenic trioxide.
sassy bark the bark of the African sassywood tree that is used as a poison in trial by ordeal.
stinger the sharp, pointed organ of certain animals and plants that usu. carries a poison and is used as a defense against attack. [1/3 definitions]