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account an arrangement with a store or other business wherein a customer is given certain advantages or access to special services, typically in return for the customer supplying certain information and, often, permitting various forms of advertising through mail, email, or other form of communication. [1/16 definitions]
back in return or in reply. [1/15 definitions]
bribe something, esp. money, that is illicitly promised or given in return for privileges or favors, usu. to someone in a position of public trust. [1/4 definitions]
change the money that one is given in return if one pays for something with an amount of money than is greater than the price. [1/18 definitions]
compensation something given or received in return or reparation for something else, such as wages for work or a cash settlement for injuries sustained. [1/2 definitions]
counterattack an attack made in return for another attack. [1/2 definitions]
cropper a person who raises crops on someone else's land, in return for a share of the harvest; sharecropper. [1/4 definitions]
earn to receive in return for work or service. [1/4 definitions]
employee someone who works for a person or business in return for wages or other compensation.
expense something given or paid out, such as money, effort, or time, esp. in return for something else; cost. [1/4 definitions]
feudalism a system of economic and political organization, as in Europe in the Middle Ages, in which landholding lords granted lands to vassals in return for service and homage.
for hire available for service or use in return for a fee.
free requiring no payment in return. [1/20 definitions]
get back to receive in return for what one has given. [1/4 definitions]
get back at to do something bad or unpleasant to (someone) in return for something bad or unpleasant that this person has done to one previously.
hack2 one who surrenders professional or artistic integrity or commitment in return for monetary reward. [1/10 definitions]
hire to engage the use of in return for a fee; rent. [1/5 definitions]
insurance a guarantee of protection against certain misfortunes that is provided by a company in return for payment of a fee. [1/3 definitions]
land-grant of or pertaining to any of a number of U.S. colleges and universities originally given government land in return for offering instruction in agriculture and the mechanical arts, now funded by their respective states with federal supplements.
lease to contract for the use or occupation of (one's property) for a specified period of time and usu. in return for rent or other compensation; let or rent. [1/5 definitions]
let to rent or lease (one's property) to another in return for compensation. [1/8 definitions]