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cave man one who lives in a cave, esp. a prehistoric human being; cave dweller. [1/2 definitions]
cavern a large cave. [1/3 definitions]
collapse to fall down; give way; cave in. [1/7 definitions]
cove any sheltered recess, such as a cave or alcove. [1/4 definitions]
den a place of concealment and shelter, such as a cave. [1/4 definitions]
founder2 of a building or the ground, to sink or cave in. [1/5 definitions]
grotto a cave or cavern, or an artificial construction or excavation resembling a cave.
mouth a natural opening into or from a cave, canyon, or other cavity. [1/9 definitions]
pothole a deep, rounded hole, often a cave opening, formed in rock by the loose material in rushing or swirling waters. [1/2 definitions]
stalactite a tapering rock formation that hangs from the roof of a cave and that is built up from minerals in dripping water.
stalagmite a tapering rock formation that extends upward from the floor of a cave and that is built up from minerals in dripping water.
troglodyte a prehistoric person who lived in caves; cave dweller. [2 definitions]
troll2 in Scandinavian folklore, an ugly manlike creature that lived in a cave or under a bridge.