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animalcule a tiny or microscopic creature.
bacteria pl. of bacterium. Bacteria are one-celled microscopic organisms of various shapes that are often agents of fermentation and putrefaction and that, in some cases, cause disease.
bacterium any of a large group of one-celled microscopic organisms of various shapes that are often agents of fermentation and putrefaction and that may cause disease.
Brownian motion the random movement of microscopic particles in a fluid medium, resulting from collision with molecules of the surrounding medium; Brownian movement.
bubble memory a solid-state computer device that stores information, coded into binary digits, in microscopic magnetized areas in sheets, as of garnet.
cell a microscopic unit of plant or animal life, usually containing a nucleus and surrounded by a very thin membrane. [1/4 definitions]
chalcedony a variety of quartz that is made of up of microscopic fibers that can come in several different colors and forms, which all have specific variety names. The colorfully banded variety of chalcedony is called agate.
cilium one of the microscopic hairlike structures on the surface of many cells, providing locomotion in single-celled animals and movement of fluid across the cells that line certain organs, such as the lungs or stomach, in complex animals. [1/3 definitions]
culture a colony of bacteria or other microscopic living matter, often produced for medical purposes or scientific experimentation. [2/8 definitions]
cyst the resistant wall encapsulating the dormant form of many microscopic organisms, or a dormant organism possessing such a resistant wall. [1/3 definitions]
eosin a red crystalline powder, used in staining tissues for microscopic viewing, in coloring gasoline, and in ink manufacturing.
germ a microscopic organism, esp. a bacterium or virus that causes illness; pathogen. [1/3 definitions]
histology the scientific study of the microscopic structure of organic tissue. [2 definitions]
infusorian any of a large number of microscopic organisms, such as protozoa, found in stagnant water or in infusions of decayed or decaying organic matter.
microbe any microscopic life form, esp. considered as a cause of infection or disease.
microchemistry chemistry dealing with very small or microscopic quantities or objects.
micrometer1 an instrument for measuring minute distances, angles, diameters, and the like in telescopic and microscopic images. [1/2 definitions]
microorganism any microscopic life form such as a bacterium, protozoan, or virus.
microscopy the development of tools and techniques for microscopic investigation. [1/2 definitions]
nanoparticle a microscopic particle with a size measured in nanometers.
Pap test a microscopic examination of cells taken as a smear from the cervix of a woman, used to determine whether uterine cancer is present; Pap smear.