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anacoluthon a sudden shift within a sentence from one grammatical structure to another, esp. when done for rhetorical effect.
declaim to speak or write for rhetorical impact, without logic or sincerity. [1/4 definitions]
forensic pertaining to, used in, or fit for public discussion or debate; rhetorical. [1/5 definitions]
peroration a highly rhetorical, flowery, or bombastic speech or manner of speaking. [1/2 definitions]
trope any literary or rhetorical device, such as a metaphor, that uses words in a sense different from their literal meanings; figure of speech.
unrhetorical combined form of rhetorical.
zeugma a rhetorical construction in which one word, usu. an adjective or verb, modifies or governs two or more words, although it makes straightforward logical sense with only one, as in "loud thunder and lightning".