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carrier pigeon a pigeon trained to return to its home base, esp. one used to carry messages from outposts; homing pigeon. [1/2 definitions]
coo to make the sound of, or a sound like, the low murmuring call of a dove or pigeon. [2/4 definitions]
homer a homing pigeon. [1/2 definitions]
homing pigeon a kind of pigeon that is trained to return to its home roost, and that can deliver messages over long distances.
merlin a pigeon hawk. [1/2 definitions]
passenger pigeon a formerly common variety of North American pigeon, which has been extinct since the early twentieth century.
pigeonhole a small, recessed area in which a pigeon builds its nest. [1/5 definitions]
ringdove a European pigeon with white markings around the neck and on the tips of the wings. [1/2 definitions]
rock dove a European wild pigeon from which most common and domesticated pigeons are derived.
squab a young pigeon still in the nest, esp. considered as food.
stool (slang) to act as a stool pigeon; inform on one's associates. [1/5 definitions]
stoolie (slang) a stool pigeon.
stool pigeon pigeon set out as a decoy. [1/2 definitions]
trumpeter one of a breed of domestic pigeon having a rounded crest and feathered feet. [1/5 definitions]
wing shot a shot made at a bird or clay pigeon while it is moving through the air. [1/2 definitions]