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Africa a continent of the Eastern Hemisphere south of Europe, between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
Antarctic Ocean the waters surrounding Antarctica at the southern confluence of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
Arabian Peninsula a peninsula in western Asia that lies between the Red Sea to the west and the Persian Gulf to the northeast. The Indian Ocean borders the Arabian Peninsula on the southeast. Countries located on the peninsula include Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.
Arabian Sea an extension of the Indian Ocean between India and the Arabian Peninsula.
Asia a large continent in the Eastern Hemisphere, bounded by the Arctic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, the Red Sea, and eastern Europe.
Austronesian a family of languages spoken over a vast area from the Indian Ocean to New Zealand and Hawaii. [1/3 definitions]
Bangladesh a country surrounded by India on three sides and the Indian Ocean on the fourth.
Bay of Bengal a bay of the Indian Ocean bordered largely by India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
dhow a vessel having a lateen sail or sails, sometimes having a raised deck at the stern, used primarily by Arabs along the coast of the Indian Ocean.
dodo any of several large, clumsy, flightless birds formerly found on islands in the Indian Ocean but now extinct. [1/2 definitions]
dugong a large herbivorous sea mammal found in the Indian Ocean that has flipperlike forelimbs and a tail resembling that of a whale.
Ganges a river that flows eastward across northern India and central Bangladesh and into the Indian Ocean.
Ganges River a river that flows eastward across northern India and central Bangladesh and into the Indian Ocean; Ganges.
India a large Asian country surrounded on three sides by the Indian Ocean. [1/2 definitions]
Indochina a large Southeast Asian peninsula south of China, between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.
Kenya an East African country on the Indian Ocean coast between Ethiopia and Tanzania.
Madagascar an island country in the Indian Ocean east of Mozambique.
Maldives an Indian Ocean country southwest of Sri Lanka, composed of about two thousand islands; Maldive Islands.
Mauritius an island country in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar.
monsoon the seasonal wind system of the Indian Ocean, blowing from the southwest in the summer and the northeast in the winter. [1/2 definitions]
Oman a country on the Indian Ocean northeast of Yemen and west of Saudi Arabia.