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buckshot large-sized lead pellets fired by a shotgun.
chokebore in a shotgun barrel, a bored inner surface that narrows toward the muzzle to concentrate the pattern of shot. [1/2 definitions]
double-barreled having two barrels mounted side by side, as a shotgun. [1/2 definitions]
ga. abbreviation of "gauge," a standard of measuring, as for the distance between railroad tracks, the thickness of wire, or the inner diameter of shotgun barrels.
gauge a standard of measuring, as for the distance between railroad tracks, the thickness of wire, or the inner diameter of shotgun barrels. [1/7 definitions]
gunstock the handle of a rifle or shotgun.
riot gun a small firearm, esp. a repeating shotgun with a short barrel, used to disperse or halt a crowd rather than to injure or kill.
sawed-off having an end that has been cut or sawed off, as a shotgun barrel.
shell a cylindrical piece of ammunition, esp. for an artillery piece or a shotgun. [1/12 definitions]
shot1 a lead pellet that is used with others to form the charge of a shotgun cartridge, or such pellets collectively. [1/10 definitions]