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ascot a wide scarf or necktie, tied so that one end lies flat on top of the other on the chest.
autogiro an aircraft that is pulled forward by a conventional propeller and held up in the air by a large horizontal rotor mounted on top of the fuselage.
baked Alaska a rich dessert made by piling ice cream on top of a layer of cake, covering the whole with meringue, and baking or broiling until the meringue begins to brown.
bunk1 a small single bed attached to a wall, or one of a pair of single beds supported by a framework and positioned one on top of the other. [1/3 definitions]
crown in the game of checkers, to make a piece that has crossed the entire board into a king by placing another piece of the same color on top of it. [1/21 definitions]
heap a great number of things lying on top of each other; pile. [1/7 definitions]
hod a tray set crosswise on top of a long handle, used for carrying bricks, mortar, or the like.
in addition to combined with; on top of; besides.
missionary position a position for sexual intercourse in which the man lies on top of the woman, who is lying on her back.
mount1 to place oneself on top of. [2/10 definitions]
no-till farming a method of farming that prepares the soil for planting without plowing or otherwise breaking into and turning over the soil forcefully with machinery. In no-till farming, residue of the previous crop remains on top of the soil, and the soil is cut into only slightly for seeding.
onto to a position on or on top of. [1/2 definitions]
over on top of, so as to cover. [1/29 definitions]
overwrite to write (something) over or on top of (other writing or a surface). [1/3 definitions]
pandowdy a deep-dish fruit pie with a thick crust on top, often sweetened with molasses.
paperweight a small heavy object placed on top of papers to keep them from being moved by wind or accident.
pile1 an accumulation of things on top of each other; heap; stack. [1/7 definitions]
pile up to accumulate, with one thing on top of another. [1/3 definitions]
pommel horse a padded, fairly cylindrical block on legs, with two removable U-shaped handles on top, used for men's gymnastic feats and routines.
pop-up in computing, being or pertaining to a small window or box appearing on top of the active window one is using. [2/6 definitions]
remora any of several ocean fishes with a suction disk on top of the head that allows it to attach to sharks, other sea animals, and ships.