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afterbirth the placenta and fetal membranes expelled from the uterus after the birth of a human or animal.
amniocentesis a procedure for obtaining a sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus of a pregnant female for diagnosis of the fetus.
Caesarean section (sometimes l.c.) a method of delivering an endangered fetus, in which an incision is made through the walls of the mother's abdomen and uterus.
cervical of or pertaining to the constricted lower end of the uterus. [1/2 definitions]
cervix the muscular constriction between the uterus and the birth canal. [1/2 definitions]
C-section abbreviation of "Caesarean section", a method of delivering an endangered fetus in which an incision is made through the walls of the mother's abdomen and uterus.
curette a surgical instrument shaped like a scoop or loop and used for scraping a cavity of the body, esp. the uterus, in order to remove dead or unwanted tissue. [1/2 definitions]
decidua a mucous membrane that lines the uterus and is cast off at childbirth or during menstruation.
ectopic pregnancy a pregnancy in which a fertilized ovum begins developing outside the uterus, as in a fallopian tube.
embryectomy the surgical removal of an embryo, esp. of one developing outside the uterus.
endometrial of or pertaining to the mucous membrane that lines the uterus.
endometrium the membrane that lines the uterus.
estradiol an estrogen hormone found in the ovaries that causes the tissues and blood vessels of the mucous membranes lining the uterus to proliferate and thicken. [1/2 definitions]
Fallopian tube in female mammals, one of a pair of narrow ducts that carry ova from the ovaries to the uterus; oviduct.
fibroid a benign tumor consisting of smooth muscle and fibrous tissue, esp. in the uterus. [1/2 definitions]
gestate to carry in the uterus following conception. [1/3 definitions]
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus and sometimes the ovaries.
hysterotomy surgical incision of the uterus, as in a Caesarean section.
intrauterine existing or occurring within the uterus.
intrauterine device a small plastic or stainless steel coil or similar object inserted into the uterus to prevent conception; IUD.
in vitro fertilization a laboratory technique by which a previously extracted ovum, usu. human, is fertilized by previously extracted sperm, producing an embryo that is then implanted in a uterus for gestation.