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apprehend to catch and place under arrest. [1/4 definitions]
apprehension the act of catching and placing under arrest. [1/3 definitions]
arresting responsible for an arrest. [1/2 definitions]
bail1 an amount of money or other property left with a court to ensure that a person who is released after arrest will return to stand trial. [2/5 definitions]
bring in to arrest or conduct to a police station for questioning. [1/5 definitions]
bust2 (informal) to arrest, or to catch in wrongdoing. [1/10 definitions]
capias a legal document directing an officer to arrest a specific person.
citizen's arrest a legal arrest by a citizen, rather than an officer of the law, as permitted by common or written law.
collar (informal) an arrest by police. [2/7 definitions]
entrap to entice or trick into committing a crime so as to make an arrest. [1/4 definitions]
ergot the grainlike masses produced by the ergot fungus, or the toxin they contain, which causes circulatory arrest in humans. [1/3 definitions]
false imprisonment any illegal detention or confinement, usu. the result of false arrest.
fixation the arrest of psychological development at some stage before maturity, esp. in early childhood. [1/3 definitions]
Freedom Rider any of the American civil rights activists who participated in the Freedom Rides, which highlighted and challenged racial discrimination in the United States in the early 1960s. Freedom Riders made bus trips through southern states, demonstrating that public facilities that should have been desegregated according to law were not in fact desegregated. Freedom Riders encountered intense violence along their journeys and many suffered arrest by the police.
house arrest legal confinement of a person under arrest in his or her home, a hospital, or a public building rather than in jail or prison.
nab (informal) to catch or seize; arrest. [1/2 definitions]
nick (chiefly British; slang) of the police, to arrest (someone) for an illegal act. [1/6 definitions]
pinch (informal) to take into police custody; arrest. [1/11 definitions]
postarrest combined form of arrest.
rearrest combined form of arrest.
Rosa Parks U.S. civil rights activist and icon, whose arrest in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, for refusing to obey segregation laws on a municipal bus inspired a wave of civil rights activism; born Rosa Louise McCauley (b.1913--d.2005).