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amalgam a metal alloy containing mercury. [1/2 definitions]
amalgamate to make into an alloy with mercury. [1/4 definitions]
caduceus in mythology, the staff carried by Mercury, which was entwined by two snakes and had two wings at the top. [1/2 definitions]
calomel a white tasteless powder containing mercury, used as a laxative, fungicide, or purgative; mercurous chloride.
cinnabar a reddish mineral that is the main ore of mercury and is sometimes used as a pigment; mercuric sulfide. [1/2 definitions]
cryometer a thermometer that measures very low temperatures by using alcohol instead of mercury.
fluorescent lamp a glass tube with a fluorescent coating on the inside that gives off light when the mercury vapor in the tube is bombarded with a stream of electrons.
fulminate one of several unstable explosive compounds, esp. the mercury salt of fulminic acid, used as a detonating powder. [1/4 definitions]
Hermes in Greek mythology, the messenger of the gods and the god of travelers, invention, commerce, and eloquence; Mercury.
Hg symbol of the chemical element mercury.
hourglass an instrument that measures time by channeling a quantity of sand or mercury through a narrow opening between two larger glass bulbs in exactly one hour. [1/2 definitions]
mercurial of or relating to the element mercury. [1/2 definitions]
mercuric of, pertaining to, or containing mercury with a chemical valence of two.
mercurous of, pertaining to, or containing mercury with a chemical valence of one.
mercury any of a variety of compounds containing salts of mercury, used as pesticides and formerly as antiseptics. [2/5 definitions]
mercury-vapor lamp a lamp in which light is produced by an electric discharge through vaporized mercury.
quartz lamp a mercury-vapor lamp, enclosed within transparent quartz, that emits ultraviolet rays when an electric current is passed through it.
quicksilver the chemical element mercury.
thermometer an instrument for measuring temperature, esp. a sealed glass tube with a calibrated scale on the outside and a column of liquid, usu. mercury, inside that rises or falls as the temperature changes.
thimerosal a mercury compound with antiseptic properties that was once used as a preservative in vaccines and other medicinal preparations.