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aerobiology a branch of biology concerned with airborne viruses, microbes, pollutants, and the like.
aerostatics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of aeromechanics that deals with gases in equilibrium and with the equilibrium of airborne bodies or aircraft under changing atmospheric conditions.
AWACS an aircraft fitted with a radome and carrying sophisticated radar and computer equipment, used for reconnaissance and for directing ground forces, or a warning system employing such aircraft (acronym for "Airborne Warning and Control System").
bean (informal) to strike on the head with an airborne object, esp. a baseball. [1/5 definitions]
canister the part of a gas mask that holds a substance for neutralizing airborne poison. [1/2 definitions]
fair ball a batted baseball that stays within the foul lines if airborne or, if it hits the ground before the outfield, that stays within the foul lines until it has gone beyond first or third base.
fly ash fine, often airborne particles of ash derived from the burning of solid fuel and recognized as a factor in air pollution. [1/2 definitions]
landing gear the wheels or pontoons of an aircraft designed to enable it to move on land or water when not airborne.
radiosonde an airborne meteorological instrument that radios information about air temperature, pressure, and humidity to ground stations; radiometeorograph.
ragweed a weed of the daisy family that produces abundant airborne pollen in the fall.
rocket1 a tube propelled by the gases ejected from the rear that are the product of fuels or explosives ignited and burned inside the tube, used for fireworks, flares, and airborne weapons, and for launching spacecraft and missiles. [1/6 definitions]