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abate to become less in amount, degree, or intensity; subside. [1/3 definitions]
about more or less; approximately. [1/12 definitions]
acute in geometry, of less than ninety degrees. [1/7 definitions]
adit an entrance or means of access, esp. a more or less horizontal passageway that leads into a mine.
anneal to heat and then slowly cool (esp. glass or metal) so as to strengthen and make less brittle.
anticlimax a descent from important or powerful ideas, esp. in speech or writing, to much less significant ones. [1/3 definitions]
appease to cause to become calmer or less agitated, esp. by satisfying demands or making concessions; placate. [1/2 definitions]
arsenide a compound containing arsenic and one or more less electronegative elements.
asking price the price or cost of an item for sale (used by a seller usu. to indicate a willingness to accept less money after bargaining).
assuage to make less severe or more bearable; alleviate. [1/2 definitions]
at least at the lowest amount; not less than. [1/2 definitions]
attenuate to make less in quantity, quality, or effect; weaken. [1/4 definitions]
backward toward a worse, less developed, or less efficient condition; retrogressively. [1/8 definitions]
bate to become less; diminish. [1/3 definitions]
behind at a stage or position less advanced than. [2/10 definitions]
belittle to make (someone or something) seem less in size, value, or importance; depreciate.
bevel gear a gear with teeth angled or beveled so that it meshes with another gear whose shaft is at an angle of less than 180 degrees to its own shaft.
blizzard in meteorology, a violent snowstorm characterized by high winds of no less than 35 miles (56 kilometers) per hour and lasting three hours or more. A blizzard results in extremely reduced visibility. [1/2 definitions]
bring down to cause (something) to become less; decrease. [1/3 definitions]
by-play less important action that takes place at the same time as the main action, esp. in a play.
calm down to become less full of tension; return to normal. [1/3 definitions]