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Cassandra in The Iliad, an ancient Greek epic poem, a woman who saw the future accurately, but who was fated never to be believed. [1/2 definitions]
fey (chiefly Scottish) fated to die soon; doomed. [1/3 definitions]
fey Scot a Scotsman who is doomed or fated to die; used in reference to the character of Macbeth in Shakespeare's play.
finished fated or subject to decisive downfall, ruin, or death. [1/4 definitions]
ill-fated fated to come to a bad end; doomed. [1/2 definitions]
ill-starred unlucky; ill-fated.
Romeo and Juliet a tragic play about ill-fated young lovers, written by William Shakespeare.
star-crossed destined to suffer an unhappy end; ill-fated; unlucky.