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autopsy a superficial and surgical examination of a corpse, usu. to find the cause of death. [1/2 definitions]
casual irregular or superficial. [1/6 definitions]
cosmetic affecting external appearance alone; superficial. [1/4 definitions]
crease to make a superficial wound in; graze. [1/6 definitions]
cursory done quickly and without care; superficial.
dilettante one who pursues an activity or interest in a superficial or frivolous way; dabbler. [2 definitions]
external of that which is superficial or for show. [2/6 definitions]
façade outward appearance, esp. if superficial or misleading. [1/2 definitions]
flirtation a casual, superficial, or passing relationship or involvement, usu. romantic. [1/2 definitions]
glossy having a false or superficial appearance or manner; specious. [1/5 definitions]
nick to graze or hit so as to make a superficial injury. [1/6 definitions]
outward of or pertaining to the surface or outside; apparent or superficial. [1/8 definitions]
patina any superficial layer. [1/4 definitions]
philosophize to speculate in a superficial, pompous, or moralistic manner. [1/2 definitions]
pinprick a superficial wound. [1/3 definitions]
psychobabble (informal) talk or writing that uses the language of psychology in a superficial or irrelevant way.
rinse to dip or spray with water in order to remove soap or superficial dirt or food. [1/5 definitions]
saphena either of two large superficial veins of the leg.
sciolism superficial knowledge or familiarity, used as a basis for scholarly pretensions.
shallow lacking deep thought or consideration; superficial. [1/4 definitions]
singe a slight or superficial burn. [1/4 definitions]