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-agogue one that leads or assumes a position of leadership. [1/2 definitions]
antiestablishment opposed to the established hierarchy, system, or leadership of a large government, corporation, church, or the like.
generalship leadership or direction of a complex enterprise, esp. as manifested in skill at strategy. [1/2 definitions]
head a position of leadership or authority, or the person in such a position. [1/20 definitions]
headship the position or post of leader or head; leadership.
hegemony predominance of one country or social group over others by virtue of leadership or influence.
pass the torch to pass leadership, inspiration, or a guiding principle to one's successors.
statesman a man who is experienced in government, esp. one who shows skill, wisdom, diplomacy, and leadership in dealing with public issues such as foreign policy.
stateswoman a woman who is experienced in government, esp. one who shows skill, wisdom, diplomacy, and leadership in dealing with public issues such as foreign policy.
take-charge taking forceful leadership; responsible and authoritative.