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Dictionary Suite
bronze medal a medal, usu. made of bronze, given to the third-place contestant, as in a race or other competition.
bye2 in a sports tournament, the situation of a contestant that is automatically passed on to the next round without having to face an opponent. [1/2 definitions]
dark horse an unknown contestant or one who unexpectedly wins a race, esp. a horse race. [1/2 definitions]
dark-horse of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a contestant or candidate that might win unexpectedly.
ringer2 an illegal contestant, entered secretly. [1/3 definitions]
root3 to cheer for or encourage a contestant or team. [1/2 definitions]
rooter2 a person who actively supports, encourages, or cheers for a contestant or team. [1/2 definitions]
sack race a race in which each contestant has both legs confined in a sack and moves forward by jumping.
scratch a contestant that has been withdrawn from a competition or race. [1/22 definitions]
spelling bee a spelling competition, esp. one in which any contestant who misspells a word is eliminated.
underdog a contestant who is expected to lose, as in sports or politics. [1/2 definitions]