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anticonsumer combined form of consumer.
Apple a multinational company that sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services.
assize a law regulating weights and measures and the weights and prices of consumer goods, or the standards established by such law. [1/4 definitions]
austerity a tightened or stringent economy, as when there are high taxes, frozen wages, and shortages of consumer goods. [1/3 definitions]
bar code a set of vertical bars of varying widths containing coded information that can be read by an optical scanner, usu. printed on the labels of consumer goods, on mail, and the like. (Cf. Universal Product Code.)
Bureau of Labor Statistics a research agency of the U.S. Department of Labor that collects and compiles statistical information, providing such measures as Consumer Price Index, inflation rate, and unemployment rate.
CPI abbreviation of "consumer price index."
emporium a large retail store offering a wide variety of consumer goods. [1/2 definitions]
five-and-ten a retail store that sells a wide variety of inexpensive consumer goods; dime store.
index the numerical system by which consumer prices at different times or in different regions can be compared. [1/10 definitions]
indirect tax a tax not levied on those who ultimately bear the cost, such as a tax on a manufacturer that is passed on to the consumer through higher prices.
installment plan a credit system, esp. in the United States, by which consumer goods can be paid for in installments.
motivational research in advertising and marketing, the systematic assessment of consumer attitudes toward products and services.
Nintendo a multinational, consumer electronics and video games company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan.
nonconsumer combined form of consumer.
nuisance tax a tax that is considered to be a nuisance because it is levied on small, separate purchases and paid by the consumer.
retail of, concerning, or engaged in the selling of goods directly to the consumer. [1/6 definitions]
sales tax a tax on retail sales, usu. set at a fixed percentage of the sale price and paid by the consumer.
supply chain the entire sequence of steps that are involved in manufacturing goods and bringing them to the consumer.
unit pricing the pricing of consumer goods on the basis of cost per unit of measure, such ascents per ounce.
Universal Product Code a series of vertical bars printed on packages of consumer goods that indicates price, type of product, and the like, and that can be read by a computerized scanner. (Cf. bar code.)