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Dictionary Suite
bile ill temper or anger; irritability. [1/2 definitions]
choler anger; irritability.
distemper ill humor or irritability. [1/2 definitions]
impatience irritability at being opposed, delayed, or thwarted. [1/3 definitions]
irascible showing or marked by anger or irritability. [1/2 definitions]
persistent depressive disorder a condition of chronic mild depression or irritability that is often accompanied by other symptoms, including low self-esteem, eating or sleep disturbances, and fatigue. Formerly called dysthymia.
premenstrual syndrome a complex of symptoms that may occur before the onset of menstrual flow, including depression, irritability, fluid retention, and breast soreness.
temper a state of mind or emotion at a specific time, esp. regarding contentment or irritability; mood. [1/11 definitions]