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accentual of or pertaining to accent or stress in poetry. [1/2 definitions]
accentuate to say or mark with an accent or stress mark. [1/2 definitions]
backbeat a primary accent on the second and fourth beats of a four-beat measure, common in popular music; secondary beat.
brogue1 a dialectal pronunciation, esp. an Irish accent.
grave2 see "grave accent." [1/4 definitions]
mazurka an energetic Polish dance similar to the polka, the music for which is written in triple meter with a strong accent on the second beat.
phrase to read or say with deliberate or appropriate pauses or other vocal effects, such as stress or accent. [1/11 definitions]
primary accent see "acute accent." [1/2 definitions]
put on to temporarily adopt (a certain facial expression, manner, or accent in one's speech). [1/10 definitions]
rhythm movement marked by the regular repetition of accent, beat, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
secondary accent a stress accent that is not as strong as a primary accent; secondary stress. [2 definitions]
self-pronouncing having the pronunciation indicated with accent marks, diacritical marks, or the like on the original spelling rather than using phonetic symbols.
syllabic of or designating a type of poetry based on the number of syllables per line rather than rhythm, accent, or quantity. [1/4 definitions]
tone the pitch, accent, or stress of a word, group of words, or speaking voice, esp. as an expressive quality. [1/10 definitions]
waltz a round dance for couples in three-four time with the accent on the first beat. [1/7 definitions]