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Dictionary Suite
mushroom any of numerous edible or poisonous fungi, usu. with a fleshy, umbrella-shaped cap on a thin stalk. [1/7 definitions]
parachute a large device made of strong, thin cloth and attached cords in a conical arrangement, forming an umbrella that slows the descent of a person or heavy object, esp. one that has jumped or been dropped from an airplane. [1/4 definitions]
parasol a light umbrella used esp. by women as protection against the sun.
pileus the disklike umbrella or bell of a jellyfish. [1/2 definitions]
rib1 something that resembles a rib in shape or function, such as a supporting wire in an umbrella. [1/7 definitions]
toadstool a mushroom, esp. one that is umbrella-shaped, inedible, and, often, poisonous.
umbrella of or like an umbrella in shape or function. [1/4 definitions]
umbrella tree an American magnolia, having umbrella-shaped clusters of leaves and bearing red fruit and white flowers with an unpleasant odor. [2 definitions]