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Dictionary Suite
authenticity the quality or condition of being authentic.
bogus not authentic; counterfeit.
canon1 secular or religious writings of the Bible that have been determined to be authentic or sacred. [1/5 definitions]
canonical determined to be official or authentic by church authority, as the books of the Bible. [1/3 definitions]
fake anything that is not genuine or authentic. [2/8 definitions]
foist to pass off (a false or worthless article) as authentic, valuable, or worthy (usu. fol. by "off"). [1/2 definitions]
genuine true to what is claimed or believed about a thing; authentic. [1/2 definitions]
hoax something false or inauthentic presented as true or authentic, with intent to deceive or defraud. [1/3 definitions]
honest-to-goodness (informal) true; actual; authentic.
inauthentic not authentic.
notarize to sign as a notary public, showing that a contract, affidavit, or other document is authentic. [1/2 definitions]
original an authentic work as opposed to a reproduction. [1/8 definitions]
probate the legal establishing of a will as authentic, valid, and binding. [1/3 definitions]
pseudo false or pretended; not authentic; fake.
real1 authentic rather than copied. [1/6 definitions]
seal1 a design, emblem, or embossed or impressed figure used to make a document authentic or official. [1/10 definitions]
simon-pure genuinely pure; authentic.
spurious not genuine, authentic, or valid; false.
true real, authentic, or genuine. [1/13 definitions]
unauthentic combined form of authentic.
veritable true; authentic; real.