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benzoic acid a white crystalline powder used as a preservative and antiseptic in perfumes and flavorings, in synthesizing dyes, and to season tobacco.
boric acid a white crystalline compound used as a mild antiseptic and in making glass, enamels, fireproofing materials, and other products.
creosol a colorless or yellowish oily liquid, derived from beechwood tar, used as an antiseptic and found in creosote.
creosote an oily liquid commercially distilled from coal tar or wood for use as a wood preservative and antiseptic, and produced as a waste product in chimneys from the burning of wood as fuel. [1/2 definitions]
eucalyptus oil an essential oil obtained from eucalyptus leaves, used as an expectorant and antiseptic.
hydrogen peroxide an unstable compound of hydrogen and oxygen whose water solution is used mostly as an antiseptic or bleach.
iodine a solution of powdered iodine together with sodium iodide or potassium iodide in alcohol, used as an antiseptic; tincture of iodine. [1/2 definitions]
iodoform a yellowish, crystalline iodine compound, used as an antiseptic.
mercuric chloride a very poisonous white crystalline compound, used in photography and as an antiseptic.
Mercurochrome trademark for merbromin, a red antiseptic solution used for minor wounds.
phenol a poisonous white acidic compound found in the tars of wood and coal, or derived from benzene, and used primarily as a disinfectant or antiseptic. [1/2 definitions]
potassium permanganate a dark purple crystalline solid used as an oxidizing agent, astringent, antiseptic, and disinfectant.
salicylic acid a white crystalline powder prepared from salicin or phenol, used as an ingredient in aspirin, as a food preservative and flavoring, and as an antiseptic in treating certain skin conditions.
sodium benzoate a sweet odorless white powder, the sodium salt of benzoic acid, used as a food preservative and antiseptic; benzoate of soda.
thimerosal a mercury compound with antiseptic properties that was once used as a preservative in vaccines and other medicinal preparations.