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adsorption the condensation or adhesion of a gas, vapor, liquid, or dissolved substance on the surface of a solid or liquid. (Cf. absorption.)
air lock an obstruction, as in a pipe, caused by a bubble or pocket of trapped air or vapor. [1/2 definitions]
atmospheric river a very long and narrow wind corridor that transports a vast amount of water vapor through the sky, which can result in drenching rainstorms for particular areas.
boil1 of a liquid, to produce bubbles of vapor when heated to a high enough temperature. [1/8 definitions]
boiling point the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals atmospheric pressure and the liquid boils. [1/2 definitions]
contrail a visible trail of moisture condensed into water drops or ice crystals, formed in the wake of a high-flying plane or rocket; vapor trail.
dew point the temperature at which water vapor in the air starts to condense into liquid.
discharge tube a device that produces light by means of an electric current discharged in gas or vapor.
distillation the process of heating a substance to produce a vapor, which is then cooled and condensed, in order to purify, concentrate, or extract components from the substance. [1/2 definitions]
effluvium an outflow of usu. invisible, foul-smelling vapor or gas.
evanesce to disappear like a vapor; vanish into nothing.
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing; fleeting.
evaporate to turn from liquid into vapor; pass away in the form of vapor. [2/5 definitions]
exhale to breathe out; emit breath or vapor. [4 definitions]
flame the ignited gas and vapor that rises from a burning object and is visible as brightly colored, wavering light. [1/9 definitions]
fluorescent lamp a glass tube with a fluorescent coating on the inside that gives off light when the mercury vapor in the tube is bombarded with a stream of electrons.
frost a light, white covering of dew or water vapor frozen into ice crystals. [1/9 definitions]
fume (often pl.) a vapor, smoke, odor, or the like, esp. one that is disagreeable or unhealthful. [3/6 definitions]
humid having a relatively high amount of moisture or water vapor; damp.
humidity the amount of water vapor in the air, relative to the greatest amount possible at a given temperature; relative humidity. [1/2 definitions]
hydrosphere collectively, all bodies and forms of water on or around the earth's surface, including vapor and clouds in the atmosphere.