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Dictionary Suite
aquiline of a nose, curved like an eagle's beak. [1/2 definitions]
avocet any of several shore birds with long legs, webbed feet, and a long, narrow, upturned beak.
beak an organ or structure, similar to a beak, on other creatures such as certain turtles or insects. [2/3 definitions]
beaker a flat-bottomed glass cylinder with a beak or pouring spout, used esp. by chemists. [1/3 definitions]
bill2 the parts of a bird's jaw that form the beak. [1/3 definitions]
cere a waxy, fleshy, often brightly colored area at the upper part of the beak in certain birds, such as some parrots, eagles, or hawks, that contains the nostrils.
chukar a partridge native to Asia and Europe, with red beak and feet and chestnut upper plumage, that has been introduced into the western United States as a game bird.
curlew any of a number of shorebirds that have long legs and a long, curved beak.
falcon any of several birds of prey, related to hawks, that hunt during the day and have long powerful wings and a hooked beak.
frigate bird any of various large tropical seabirds with a hooked beak and esp. long wings, that typically grabs prey away from other birds in flight.
gill1 (pl.) a fleshy, wrinkled piece of skin or flesh hanging below the beak of a bird or under the chin of a person; wattle. [1/5 definitions]
hawk1 a bird of prey that has a short hooked beak and curved claws and is similar to but usu. smaller than an eagle. [1/5 definitions]
hawksbill a sea turtle with a hawklike beak and a horny shell that is a source of tortoiseshell.
lore2 the portion of a bird between its eye and beak, or an analogous portion of a fish or reptile.
nuthatch any of various small birds with a short tail, a long, narrow, sharp beak, and agility in climbing about on tree trunks and branches in search of insects.
owl any of various nocturnal birds of prey that have large eyes set in the front of a large head, a strong hooked beak, and strong, sharp talons.
parrotfish any of numerous marine fishes that are esp. colorful and have jaws resembling a parrot's beak.
peck2 to strike, nip, or pick up with the beak. [4/7 definitions]
pterosaur a flying reptile of the Mesozoic era characterized as having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by an exceptionally long fourth digit of each forelimb.
shovel-nosed having a broad, flat head, beak, or snout.